Launching any kind of food product is already difficult enough in itself – but if you are taking in the task of designing a label for your food product as well, the challenge can be even more daunting. And even if you have the best-tasting food product around, without a proper and effective label, it could all come to naught. Many a food product, needless to say, has failed simply because its packaging and labelling wasn’t good enough. You have to consider a lot of factors, which include not just the packaging (whether it’s a bottle, a jar, a packet, a sachet, or more), but also the images and visuals, the colours, the typography, the information and content, and so on. So how can you come up with the best food label for your product? Let’s find out.
- Think carefully about your audience
Before you begin your design process for your food label, think carefully and conscientiously about your product – and, more importantly, your target market. Keep in mind that different markets and audiences will have different responses to colours, styles, fonts, and graphics. So make sure you are designing your food label with your specific audience or market in mind. Some of the things you need to factor in are the age of your audience, their sex, their income, their taste, and their values. For values, for instance, think about what they consider important when they purchase food. Is it the sustainability, the taste and quality, the economy? When it comes to income, ask yourself if your audience is likely to invest their money in your product based on how high or low their income is as well.
- Check out your competition
It is also wise to check out your competition so you can see what they are doing, as confirmed by labelling machine experts from Atwell Labellers. Regardless of the kind of food product you are selling, you should know that once you release it into the market, it will be surrounded by food products of the same type – all from different brands and companies. So if you have a label but it doesn’t stand out from your competitors, your design may well be a failure. When it comes to doing research on your competition, the process is simple: visit the shops and the aisle where your food product will be displayed, and take careful note of the attributes of the labels of your competitors. Don’t forget to look at the colours, the styles, the fonts, and the size and shape of the labels. Once you have done this, it follows that you need to design a label that’s different from theirs, so whatever you do, avoid similarly-themed labels.
- Establish your guidelines for your brand
Whilst it is definitely essential to design a label that can stand out, it is also essential to make sure that your design is consistent with your own brand. That having being said, establish your branding guidelines, which include your colours, your values, your logo and iconography, and your typography. For instance, do you have particular mascots or shapes for iconography and logos? What kinds of typefaces are you using? Also, determine your brand colours and choose only two to three which are the most widely- and consistently used. Good luck!
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